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Expressivism -- voicing one's inner and outer truths in writing -- is mutually compatible with social constructivism, dialogism and contemporary discourse theory

Expressivism -- i.e., voicing one's inner and outer truths in writing -- is mutually compatible with social constructivism, dialogism and contemporary discourse. Expressivism is still, all the same, a matter of constructing social meaning through discourse and dialoguing with the social world around the writer, albeit it is also a strong expression of the writer's inner and outer social and personal truths.  I have taught all of these methods of studying and using writing, i.e., expressivism, social constructivism, dialogism (Mikhail Bakhtin) and contemporary discourse theory with the tenet that meaning is constructed through language as one engages with the social world surrounding the writer in the midst of expressing the writer's truths, sorrows, grief, joy, passions, etc, etc.  More on this in the future on this blog. Sincerely, Dr. Diane K. Olson