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January 2021

True poetry and prose have feelings to them -- texts and textual analysis commonly do not

True poetry and prose have feelings to them -- texts and textual analysis commonly do not.  And this whole thing with "rigor" -- which comes linguistically from the same root as "rigid" -- is that it, too, is antithetical to feelings, as well, and actually tries to control feelings and numb them.  That apparently is the intention of rigorous, textual analysis -- to squelch the feelings of the reader and the writer that went into the creation and then the interpretation/perception of the poetry and prose by reducing  them to objective, clinical texts.  More even yet ... sincerely, dr diane k olson

"Too little care ..." by Dr Kurt Spellmeyer

Please do a google search for the college english article "Too little care ..." by Dr Kurt Spellmeyer of Rutgers university.  The article is located on the Rutgers site as a pdf file.  I have had my own copy since the 1990's.  Yes, there has been too little care and even sexism in my case in what I have gone through as a female academic and teacher and scholar.  I am also becoming more and more convinced that ualbany and it's relatively new faculty and a few long-time people at drake have had something to do with the abductions and trying to silence me through these viscious hostage situations.  Where is the care and  compassion ualbany?!? Where is the care and compassion drake people?!?  Sincerely, dr diane k olson




January posts have been abbreviated due to only having a cellphone to post on -- thank you for your patience!

Posts are temporarily abbreviated because I only have a cellphone to post on.  I hope to be back to my computer and journal -- where I have at least a dozen more posts planned -- within the month, if not sooner.  Would you believe that I went a year and a half without a laptop or cellphone to write on, while these people/corps held me captive in northern iowa from Oct 2018 to july 2020!?! How awful and how illegal. And they would take all my clothes, too, and make me ask for clothes when getting dressed.  They would also watch me shower.  Let me tell you, it was something like out of nazi Germany right here in iowa. They had us trapped  and locked in, it was so awful.  I am a professional university teacher/professor folks and blogger and ethnographer, and there was no professional assistance which is unconscionable and which makes ualbany and drake responsible and liable, too. Yes, just like nazi germany. Sincerely and in all seriousness, dr. Diane k olson















They're attempting to use stigmatization to silence an outspoken intellectual in my case

What is so obvious is that these people/corps that have abducted me are attempting to use stigmatization -- and harassment --  to silence me as a strong, outspoken intellectual. Sorry, folks, your behavioral health techniques do NOT work that way and I have already studied for many years your attempts to stigmatize women who speak out and are strong minded and even passionate.  See Shoshanna Felman's writing and madness on these subjects. Or better yet, phyllis Chesler's women and madness.  Sincerely, dr diane k olson

Injustice after injustice after injustice

IN 2004, I designed, created and wrote a website called trustmatter taking on us bank's serious fraud of a family member's trust and other trusts of the elderly in this nation.  Yet in 2006, when visiting the library at drake university, my alma mater as a BA in english and cultural studies, I noticed that all of the atms on campus were us bank atms and a new branch of us bank had been built next to campus.  I wasn't happy with this situation, needless to say.  More to come on what started happening next in retaliation in 2006 -2007 by us bank when I was at the library and even at home.  Would you believe that they actually came after me in the drake library in 2007 and then once again in december of 2015 -- yes, us bank stalked me at home and on campus.  In 2007, my response was to move to iowa city where I worked with ACT evaluate written exams for the state department in DC.   ACT was contracted to evaluate written exams for the state department by condoleeza rice.  Even yet more later.  Sincerely, dr diane k olson

Harnessing the liberatory power of the internet for our teaching and communicating in academia

Next topic is on harnessing the liberatory power of the internet for our teaching, expressing and communicating in academia. I have been writing online for 27 years and teaching online since 1999 at Georgia Tech so I have massive expertise in the liberatory power of online writing within the university and beyond. I would recommend an article by John Perry Barlow called Information Wants to Be Free  that i taught at georgia tech

  Lots more to come ... dr diane k olson

In memory of Dr. Hodgdon

Dr. Hodgdon- Shakesperean scholar -  is my mentor who always advised me to turn these situations into opportunities for critical ethnographic analysis and observation and reporting.  She and her spouse Dr  Richard Abel founded the cultural studies program at Drake and would be very concerned about me and would have offered me sanctuary had they still been in Des Moines and at Drake University when these things started happening with my blogging and online reporting and analysis in 2006.  Sincerely, dr diane k olson

Trust me, globe-trotting transnationalists you will NOT continue dismantling composition studies at its home institution suny albany

Wow, cold transnationalists you actually think you can reduce composition theory to a certificate at the most radical and transformative PhD in composition studies/theory/pedagogy in the nation at suny albany. And you actually ask applicants for that certificate to certify that they are not felons on your certificate web page.  How twisted and bizarre and unprofessional is that. Just watch the true and authentic program in writing, teaching and criticism flip back into place when we are done dissecting and deconstructing your weak and powerless graduate courses.



The hostage and abduction situation ongoing-- serious

They came in with force 4 deputies or agents at the beginning of September--- as cold as could be. Folks, there is nothing wrong with me yet they took me to a section of a shady hospital that had been completely redesigned by the principal financial group whose logo was displayed in the hallway. At this cold hospital, there was biochemicals or nerve agents in the air or ventilation system, also in the awful food and they used torture techniques against me with interrogation after interrogation.  Nearly every doctor or nurse had unprofessional tattoos all over their bodies.  The nurse who acted like my doctor was from Russia and tortured me physically.  Yes, this was in des moines, iowa . How awful and all of this after a previous year and a half of being held hostage --without my cellphone for a year and a half and abused during that duration, too. I asked the nurses on several occasions where they got their degrees at and two said Harvard --wo uld you believe---and others said ivan Allen college in Waterloo, iowa and dmacc ankeny. Also, the deputy or agent who drove me to dubuque which i had no choice in wore a Duke university facial mask and when asked said that his wife went to Duke.  How awful to be treated this way and not protected as an intellectual by universities or a minister by churches -- because I have been writing about sexism in a local megachurch that I attended.  This is a hostage situation in dubuque and there has been verbal abuse and efforts to take over my finances to imprison me without financial resources and discontinued my apt lease in west des moines without my permission. Sincerely and in all seriousness, dr diane k olson



Fyi, dissertation presented at the 1998 conference on college composition and communication

My dissertation, the other culture wars, the conflicts between high theory and poetics in a graduate program in english was first presented at the conference of composition and communication in 1998 so go figure about when my dissertation was truly completed and the sexism I have faced in getting the true completion time acknowledged. More on this later. Dr. Diane k olson



Once again, abducted out of my home

Once again, would you believe, abducted out of my home for the past three months by wackos, some of them religious fundamentalists, many of them foreigners. I even have good reason to believe that the ualbany english dept was and still is part of the ongoing abduction. I am in Clinton, of all places, 125 miles from home. Their rationales are bizarro.  More hopefully soon. Dr. Diane k olson

























Once again, abducted out of my home

Once again, would you believe, abducted out of my home for the past three months by wackos, some of them religious fundamentalists, many of them foreigners. I even have good reason to believe that the ualbany english dept was and still is part of the ongoing abduction. I am in Clinton of all places, 125 miles from home. Their rationales are bizarro.  More hopefully soon. Dr. Diane k olson